Also see the Hauora Kai / Healthy Eating Health Topic page to find out how WAVE can support your ECE/School with Nutrition and healthy eating initiatives.
Healthy Food and Drink Toolkits (English and Te Reo) for Early Learning Services and Schools:
Healthy Food and Drink Toolkit for ECE
He Kete Rauemi Kai Hauora mā ngā - Ratonga Mātauranga Kōhungahunga
Healthy Food and Drink Toolkit for Schools
He Kete Rauemi Kai Hauora mā ngā - Kura
For more information around nutrition and healthy eating see:
Healthy Food and Drink Guidance for ECE - To help ECE develop a policy to promote and provide healthy foods and drinks
Healthy Food and Drink Guidance for schools - To support schools and students to make positive choices and develop healthy food and drink policies and preferences
Community & Public Health - Promoting environments that foster healthy eating
Community & Public Health - Community Health Information Centre (CHIC) Nutrition resources
Heart Foundation - Education Programmes and Resources for ECEs and schools including 'Food for under 5s' and 'Healthy Celebrations'
Health Promotion Agency - Nutrition resources
Healthy Kids - Healthy food ideas and tools
Nourishing Futures with Better Kai - Resource designed to help parents with all things nutrition for their little ones
Refill NZ - Free water on the go
WAVE - WAVE Newsletter extracts - Health Focus on Nutrition
Posters and Leaflets:
Community & Public Health - Community Health Information Centre (CHIC) Nutrition resources
Community & Public Health - Healthy Nibbles
Community & Public Health - Healthy Nibbles for Teens
Healthy Snacks for Healthy Teeth
Food for Flourishing Healthy Nibbles poster
Brain Boosting Lunchbox Ideas
Nutrition Tips for Newsletters
5+ A Day Education - Fruit and vegetables in the classroomThe 5+ A Day Charitable Trust have developed free teaching resources for ECE, primary, intermediate and secondary schools. Their extensive range includes both print and digital materials that focus on eating a healthy diet, including plenty of seasonal fruit and vegetables, and growing your own fresh vegetables. The ECE resources are based around the principles of Te Whāriki, the early childhood curriculum, and the primary school resources link to the New Zealand Curriculum, supporting Health and Physical Education, Literacy, Numeracy, and Science through practical learning experiences. Visit |
Healthy Events & Fundraisers GuideA guide for ECE, School and Community Event organisers. If you are planning your fundraiser, ECE/school dance or event, have this guide on hand for lots of alternative ideas. Download the Healthy Events & Fundraisers Guide |
Water-only School Toolkit (Water and Plain Milk Only)By adopting a water-only policy, whereby water and low-fat plain milk are the only drinks available at your ECE/school, you are taking a positive step towards improving the health and behaviour of your students. Download the Water-only Schools Toolkit |
Mindful Eating ActivitiesThis resource is for kaiako in Early Childhood Education settings as they support children to eat mindfully. The activities align with Te Whariki (the early childhood curriculum). Download Mindful Eating Activities |
Healthy Heart Award (Tohu Manawa Ora- Kōhungahunga) - Early Childhood ServicesHealthy Heart Award is a Te Whāriki aligned programme to help you promote healthy eating and physical activity in your early learning service. The Healthy Heart Award provides guidance and structure for you to create an environment that promotes healthy eating and physical activity. It can help you address food and physical activity issues that teachers and staff are finding challenging, and it also can inspire and spark enthusiasm. The Healthy Heart Award has three different levels and works like a bronze, silver, gold system. You can start at whichever level you like. Each level has seven strands and once you have completed all seven strands you will be awarded and become a Healthy Heart Award ECE service. Visit |
Heart Foundation - Primary & Secondary SchoolsThe Heart Foundation has designed a range of free teaching resources for schools. Their lesson plans, activity sheets, recipes and more are here to help you educate children about nutrition. Take a look around and download what you need. Visit |
| - Education and ResourcesHere you will find recipes and information on fresh New Zealand grown vegetables; their seasonal availability, cooking methods, healthy eating and nutrition information. has useful information for teachers, educators and health professionals - download leaflets, posters and activities; order resources online for free; library of images; videos; and information on the Curriculum Project which is mainly for Year 7 and Year 8 Food Technology and Food and Nutrition teachers. Visit |