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Visit our Links & Downloads section for other online resources to promote healthy enviroments, including ideas for intergrating into curriculum programmes.  

Read more about the Nutrition priority area.

Bi-cultural Resource Pack for Primary - Hauora! Hautipua!

Bi-cultural Resource Pack for Primary - Hauora! Hautipua!

Hauora! Hautipua! Super Food & Super Action for Superheroes Four books that further support the super hero adventures of Hina and Maui. [more]
Bi-cultural Resource Pack for ECEs - Hauora! Hautipua!

Bi-cultural Resource Pack for ECEs - Hauora! Hautipua!

Hauora! Hautipua! Super Food & Super Action for Superheroes Four books that further support the super hero adventures of Hina and Maui. [more]
5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

The 5+ A Day range of Primary school resources are linked to the New Zealand Curriculum, supporting the learning areas of Health and Physical Education, Literacy, Numeracy, and Science through practical lessons and learning experiences aimed at years 1 to 8. [more]
5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

The 5+ A Day range of Primary school resources are linked to the New Zealand Curriculum, supporting the learning areas of Health and Physical Education, Literacy, Numeracy, and Science through practical lessons and learning experiences aimed at years 1 to 8. [more]
5+ A Day Early Childhood Teaching Resource

5+ A Day Early Childhood Teaching Resource

  Growing and Learning with Fredge and 5+ A Day has been developed to provide children with fun and interesting fresh fruit and vegetable experiences. [more]
5+ A Day Early Childhood Teaching Resource

5+ A Day Early Childhood Teaching Resource

  Growing and Learning with Fredge and 5+ A Day has been developed to provide children with fun and interesting fresh fruit and vegetable experiences. [more]