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Visit our Links & Downloads section for other online resources to promote healthy enviroments, including ideas for intergrating into curriculum programmes.  

Read more about the Nutrition priority area.

5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

The 5+ A Day range of Primary school resources are linked to the New Zealand Curriculum, supporting the learning areas of Health and Physical Education, Literacy, Numeracy, and Science through practical lessons and learning experiences aimed at years 1 to 8. [more]
5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

5+ A Day Primary Teaching Resource

The 5+ A Day range of Primary school resources are linked to the New Zealand Curriculum, supporting the learning areas of Health and Physical Education, Literacy, Numeracy, and Science through practical lessons and learning experiences aimed at years 1 to 8. [more]
Positive Food Environments ECE (1)

Positive Food Environments ECE (1)

Kit to promote positive food  environments -  kaihōpara kai. [more]
Positive Food Environments ECE (2)

Positive Food Environments ECE (2)

Kit to promote positive food environments -  kaihōpara kai For use in Early Childhood Teaching Kit includes * Posters * Healthy Food and Drink Toolkit *Curriculum examples *Eating for Healthy Children (2-12 years) . [more]
Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (1)

Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (1)

- Ideas for weaving Go Grow Glow into the curriculum -Includes Toolkits, Books and Posters      . [more]
Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (2)

Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (2)

- Ideas for weaving Go Grow Glow into the curriculum -Includes Toolkits, Books and Posters  . [more]