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Yates Young Gardener

Yates Young Gardener

What do I need to make a garden? What plants can I eat from my garden?. Find out what tools you need and how to make seeds grow into fruit, flowers or vegetables. [more]
Yates Young Gardener

Yates Young Gardener

What do I need to make a garden? What plants can I eat from my garden?. Find out what tools you need and how to make seeds grow into fruit, flowers or vegetables. [more]
Who’s Cooking Tonight?

Who’s Cooking Tonight?

All about making cooking fun, with help every step of the way. [more]
Water Containers 20L x2

Water Containers 20L x2

x2 20L water containers.  Perfect for your event for supplying free water for water bottles. Comes with washing instructions to keep containers clean. [more]
Vegetables: A User’s Guide

Vegetables: A User’s Guide

Whether you are a user of vegetables at home, a vegetable retailer, food writer, chef, teacher, restaurant owner or simply a person who loves fresh and tasty food - this guide has got something for you. [more]
Traditional Apple Peeling Machine

Traditional Apple Peeling Machine

Peels, cores, and spiral cuts apples effortlessly for all your favourite recipes, also works great for potatoes. [more]
The Gardening Book

The Gardening Book

50 green-fingered and growing activities.  Packed with gardening projects to do with or without a garden.  Find out how to grow a giant squash or a tiny pocket plot.  The ultimate gardening adventure for all budding gardeners. [more]
Step-by-step Veg Patch

Step-by-step Veg Patch

Use this book to select crops for each season and learn how to plan your garden. Learn how to grow and care for 50 veges and 15 fruits as well as growing from seeds and planting out, pollination, routine care, harvesting, pests and disease. [more]
Pretend Birthday Cake - wooden

Pretend Birthday Cake - wooden

This cake is an alternative way to celebrate a child’s birthday. Use the wooden spatula to serve the cake and the fake candles to make a wish. [more]
Positive Food Environments ECE (2)

Positive Food Environments ECE (2)

Kit to promote positive food environments -  kaihōpara kai For use in Early Childhood Teaching Kit includes * Posters * Healthy Food and Drink Toolkit *Curriculum examples *Eating for Healthy Children (2-12 years) . [more]
Positive Food Environments ECE (1)

Positive Food Environments ECE (1)

Kit to promote positive food  environments -  kaihōpara kai. [more]
Lunch Box Game

Lunch Box Game

A memory game, suitable for ages 3-7 years with 2-4 players. The game includes 4 healthy lunch box boards and 24 healthy food items from the lunchboxes. The player who collects all the healthy foods on their lunch box first wins. [more]
Kids Edible Gardens: A Growing Guide for Teachers

Kids Edible Gardens: A Growing Guide for Teachers

Kids Edible Gardens: A Growing Guide for Teachers This book includes: - How to grow your school garden throughout four seasons and provides ideas for classroom activities. [more]
Kids Edible Gardens: A Growing Guide for  ECE Teachers

Kids Edible Gardens: A Growing Guide for ECE Teachers

Developed for ECE teachers to provide a clearer understanding of what the garden project is about so it can be incorporated into students' learning. [more]
Kahu the Kiwi & Marama the Kea - Hand Puppets

Kahu the Kiwi & Marama the Kea - Hand Puppets

Kahu the Kiwi and Marama the Kea are two hand puppets which are available for you to use to promote healthy lifestyle messages at your setting in a fun and interactive way. [more]
Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (2)

Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (2)

- Ideas for weaving Go Grow Glow into the curriculum -Includes Toolkits, Books and Posters  . [more]
Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (1)

Go Grow Glow Positive Kai Primary Toolkit (1)

- Ideas for weaving Go Grow Glow into the curriculum -Includes Toolkits, Books and Posters      . [more]
Food Kit (Maori Resource)

Food Kit (Maori Resource)

M ā ori activities to promote the use of Te Reo with children. [more]
Easy on the pocket vegetable gardening growing your own groceries

Easy on the pocket vegetable gardening growing your own groceries

Growing your own vegetables need not be as time and energy consuming as you might think. [more]
Easy on the pocket vegetable gardening growing your own groceries

Easy on the pocket vegetable gardening growing your own groceries

Growing your own vegetables need not be as time and energy consuming as you might think. [more]